Soaring Reports

Soaring Report – Thursday, July 25, 2024

Hello, all: SkySight forecast that there’d be solid lift today.  It was a lie!  First off, there’s a lot of smoke in the upper atmosphere from the ongoing Canadian wildfires.  We never have good soaring conditions when the sky is hazy with smoke.  Secondly, the corn...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, July 21, 2024

Hello, all: We are in the summer doldrums!  It’s hot.  It’s humid.  There’s hardly any wind.  There isn’t much lift.  Even the turkey vultures aren’t soaring more than a few hundred feet above the ground.  We flew ten or eleven flights, but the flight conditions were...

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Soaring Report – Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Hello, all: The weather on Wednesday was so nice!  Light winds, a high temperature in the mid-80’s, and very tolerable humidity levels.  It was so different from last weekend when we wisely chose not to fly, due to the excessive heat and humidity.  This was a gorgeous...

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Soaring Report – Monday, July 8, 2024

Hello, all: The thermals didn’t materialize as was predicted by SkySight.  As predicted, there was lift to almost 5,000’, but it was a constant struggle to find and stay in the small thermals we found.  The cumulus clouds were popping and passing overhead, but only...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hello, all: We expected a short day today, but we ended up with a total of eighteen sorties.  Since it was a nice day with cooler temps, low humidity, and light winds, multiple club members came out who hadn’t signed up to fly.  There were thunderstorms that passed to...

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Soaring Report – Saturday, July 6, 2024

Hello, all: There’s not much to report today.  We started flight operations at 9am with nine Civil Air Patrol - Cadet Glider Orientation flights.  There were five Cadets signed up, and all five flew at least once.    The last of the Cadets had motion sickness and...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, June 30, 2024

Hello, all: It was a beautiful early summer day in Nebraska.  The winds were light, the skies were mostly clear, the humidity was low, and the high temperature was 77 degrees.  If there had been strong thermals it’d have been a perfect day for soaring.  However, the...

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Soaring Report – Saturday, June 29, 2024

Hello, all: . Today we flew a total of 17 sorties.  We planned to start at 0900 with Civil Air Patrol - Cadet Orientation sorties.  However, those were delayed until a little after 1000, due to winds exceeding the flight CAP limits.  There was a total of eight...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hi, All: On a hot and humid June afternoon, beneath a clear blue sky, we flew nineteen sorties.  We also have two new members, Mike M. and Josh J.  Welcome to the Omaha Soaring Club, gents! Todays sorties: Warren P was up first with Steve R to fly his Annual Safety...

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Soaring Report – Saturday, June 22, 2024

Hi All, A busier day today with twelve sorties flown. We started off with three paid rides, flown by Steve R.  The paid rides were followed by Ryan K flying a lesson with Steve R, followed by Mark B flying with Steve R.  Steve flew a fourth paid ride, and then Steve...

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Soaring Report – Friday, June 21, 2024

Hi All, It was another quiet weekday with only seven sorties flown: Steve R took Ryan M up for a flight lesson.  Ryan has begun practicing the maneuvers required for his Private Pilot - Glider Certificate flight exam later this summer.  Steve does a very good job of...

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Soaring Report – Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Hi All, A quiet weekday of flying, with only six sorties flown. John H. flew his Annual Safety Flight (ASF) with Steve R riding shotgun. John followed that up with a twenty-six minute flight in the L-23; this was a longest flight of the day. Paul J flew his ASF. It...

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Soaring Report – Friday, June 14, 2024

Hello, all: We flew eleven sorties today: Joe C flew his Annual Safety Flight with Steve R. Bob A flew a solo flight in the L-23. Will M flew a flight lesson with Steve R. Beth C bought a ride for her friend Maria; Steve flew the sortie. Beth C flew a flight lesson...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, June 9, 2024

Hi All, . The day started with several members helping Jeff F assemble his glider.  Jeff returned from a week at the Hinckley Airfield in Illinois where he competed in the 'Windy City 1-26 Regatta'.  His glider was still on its trailer and needed to be assembled for...

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Soaring Report – Friday, June 7, 2024

Hi All, We are back in business!  We completed thirteen sorties to kick off the new soaring season.  Bob A. flew his Annual Safety Flight (ASF) with Steve R., and followed that up with the first solo flight of the season.  Next was Joe C. for his ASF, followed by...

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Soaring Report – Saturday, November 18, 2023

Hi All, Wow, what a great day with 32 sorties and a new student solo. Bob A. started the day before the CAP Cadet Orientation flights started. Then we flew six CAP flights. After CAP, Sean S. was up with Steve R. on pattern flights, getting Sean checked out in the...

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Soaring report – Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Hi All, A real nice day, we will take these all winter. We flew nineteen sorties. I started it off with an L23 flight, followed by Jim D. for a solo flight. Steve R. and Liam S. flew 3 pattern flights in the 2-22. Bob A, Bob D. and Mark B. all did a flight in the...

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Soaring Report – November 12, 2023

Hi, all: As it has turned out, we aren't done flying in 2023. The Pawnee wing struts passed inspection as required for the current FAA Airworthiness Directive, so they're good for another two years. Since the Pawnee is good to go and the weather is super nice, we flew...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hi All, Today we flew twenty-two sorties, with two gliders up together a number of times. Ryan K. went up first with Steve R. along, and then Ryan flew a solo flight. Then Steve and Liam S. went up in the 2-22 and we launched Dave L. in the L-23. Liam S. was launched...

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Soaring Report – Saturday, October 21, 2023

Hi All, It was another beautiful fall day! We started early this morning with ten CAP Cadet Orientation sorties. These were followed by fourteen club sorties. Club sorties started with Jim Cl. who completed his Bi-annual Flight Review with Steve R. Next was Matt R....

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Soaring Report – Friday, October 20, 2023

Hi All, A beautiful October day to fly! The skies were cloud free, the visibility was fantastic, the winds were well within our limits, and the temperature was in the upper 70's. To top it off, we flew thirteen sorties while most people were stuck at work. What a day!...

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Soaring Report – October, 8, 2023

Hi All, We only completed four sorties today before the winds shut us down. Lexy H. was up first for a solo flight. Next, Jeff took a friend of his for a flight. Matt and Jaime did a badge work flight, and then Steve and Liam S. did a flight. Frank did the towing....

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Soaring Report – October 7, 2023

Hi, all: Today we flew four CAP Cadet Orientation flights and twenty-four club flights. It was sunny all day, but quite chilly when we started flight operations at 10:00AM. It eventually warmed up into the low 60's, but there was a crosswind blowing at about 14 knots,...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, October 1, 2023

Soaring Report - Sunday, October 1, 2023 Hi, all: A pretty windy day, and hot for October 1st, but there was good lift to at least 6,000'. Today's first flight was Steve R. taking Teodoro G. for a flight lesson. The next two flight lessons were Ryan K. and then Will...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, September 17, 2023

Hi All, What a pleasant day to be out flying. The visibility improved and there was some decent lift. The temperatures were mild, and so were the winds. A gorgeous late summer day, but there was dust being blown up by the Pawnee when tows were starting. We need rain,...

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Soaring Report – Saturday, September 16, 2023

Hi All, After a day of booming thermals on Tuesday and a day of good thermals on Wednesday, we literally 'returned to earth' today. Most of today's flights 'returned to earth' in less than 30 minutes, because there was very little lift. There were gusty winds from the...

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Soaring Report – Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Hello: Today we flew eleven sorties. The humidity was low, and the high temp for the day was approximately 80 degrees. The wind was variable and mostly a crosswind blowing at 8 knots from the southwest, gusting to 14 knots. In other words, another beautiful...

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Soaring Report – Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Hi, Club Members: Wow, what a day! We only flew eight flights today, but what we lacked in the quantity of flights was more than made up by the quality of flights! Everyone who flew had at least an hour-long flight, because the lift was great today. Bob A. was up...

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Soaring Report – Sunday, September 10, 2023

Hi All, . We flew twelve flights today before ending just as a light rain started. Mark B. was up first for two flights with Steve R. Then Lexy H. flew once with Steve. Next, Steve took up a paid ride. Liam G. flew three flights, and then Steve flew the first FAST kit...

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Soaring Report – Saturday, September 9, 2023

Hi All, . Today was a fairly quiet day, perhaps because Nebraska was playing football. We flew six CAP flights to start the day, and then nine club flights after noon. Bob A. and I flew the 'Back to Service' flight, after the maintenance check on the L-23's elevator....

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