Hello, everyone: We flew thirteen flights today, on what turned out to be a very nice afternoon. Alex, Randy and Mike all flew two FAST kit flights with Steve R. We then launched Bob D. in his Russia. John H. was up next with Steve, followed by Bob A. for a solo...
Hello, all: Here are more photos of the progress being made on the Office/Lounge Rehab project: A lot of the studs and the sill on the west wall had rotted away. New wood was added where needed. The wall needed to be raised three inches. The sill by the door and the...
. Hello, everyone: . Another successful day of soaring, starting with nine CAP flights, followed by fourteen Club flights. Steve R. started the Club flights with a ride for Lexy H’s dad, then flew two lessons with Lexy. Hamid G. made the drive up from Kansas...
Hi All, We flew 9 flights today. Nic M. started with three solo flights, to complete the required number of flights for his Commercial Glider Endorsement. He still has his upcoming check ride with DPE Tony C. before he’ll receive his Endorsement. When Nic...
Hello, all: We completed ten flights today. Lexy H. was first up with Steve R. for the first three flights, followed by someone who stopped by to purchase a ride for his son. Then, Jeff F. bought two rides for an old friend and his wife. Steve had one more flight...
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