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Board Meeting – 24 Jan 2014 9am SkyWerx
Safety Meeting – 2/21 @ 9am Security National Bank 101st and Pacific, conference room “A”.

Club Phone Number

Club Phone – 402-630-9640. To update message, push # during the message and enter the security code. To record a greeting press 4-3-1-3-*. Gate Entrance Code – #6693

Annual Club Meeting

Omaha Soaring Club Inc. General Membership Meeting was held on 12-13-14 at the Security National Bank 101st and Pacific Omaha, NE.68106

The 4th meeting of the year of the OSCI General Membership was called to order By President Perry Mitchell at 9:02 am. Those members in attendance were President Perry Mitchell, Vice-president Jay Buchanan, Treasurer Bob Craig, Secretary Jim Clark, Maintenance Officer Dan Peterson, Safety Officer Jaime Alexander, Jerry Adams, Steve Stevens, Bob Dyer, Steve Davis, Bob Dinkel, Carl Rump, Whit Bonifant, Daryl Hickman, Dave Nail, Tom Ostlund, Anders Backlund, Bob Arant, Tom Schaap, Donna Neff and Bert Aagesen. Those not in attendance , but sent their vote for By-Law changes in proxy form with an affirmative response were Pat Greenwood, Mike Boska, Ken Costello, Paul Jelinek, Don Meyer, Jerome Schmidt, Sally Daly, Irvin MacKain.

President Perry Mitchell asked for officer reports and we started with Jaime Alexander, Safety Officer. Mr. Alexander said that the Jantar issue has moved from an Accident to an Incident (non-reportable accident) as far as the FAA was concerned. Mr. Alexander is still reporting to the insurance Company (Costello) on the cost estimates. Mr. Alexander indicated his interest in an open interview with Irvin McKain about the crash during the 2015 Safety meeting that would be beneficial to all members hearing on the do’s and don’ts at the field during soaring operations. Mr. Alexander said that “we must be open to a culture that accepts flying criticism.” Mr. Alexander finished his remarks saying that there are plenty of jobs around our club and glider operations that need to be done and everyone should be volunteering to help.

Maintenance Officer, Dan Peterson was up next with a slide presentation on the repairs to the Super Blanik L-23 landing gear and wheel system. Brakes were reworked and the gear mechanism are repaired and the land gear will be able be retracted after takeoff and brought down before landing (in the past the gear was safety wired in the down position). Mr. Peterson went on with his report and the Pawnee (tow plane) has had the oil changed since the last report. All AD issues are up to date and Mr. Peterson suggests all tow pilots stay vigilant on rough running engine or towing problems. Mr. Peterson finished his remarks with a strong recommendation for a cleaning party for the Pawnee and the L-23, soon.

Treasurer Bob Craig made his report starting off with total current amounts in the bank for the “engine fund” being $8400, savings account at $5,000 and a recent payment of $4500 paid by club funds toward the purchase of the Blanik L-33 Solo. Mr. Craig indicated there are 14 members that have paid $500 towards the L-33 Level 2 program. Mr. Craig indicated that there will not be separate records kept for members to pay as you go on the L-33 Solo, it will be all or nothing. The report went on with some numbers indicating that the L-23 was flown less in 2014 than 2013 and that the club is bring in a lot more than it is spending. Mr. Craig finished his report with comments about being on a list for available space if Executive hangar space became available.

Vice-President Jay Buchanan gave his “state of the Club” report and laid out the plan to enlarge the fleet as the club grew. The L-33 Solo will fill the needs of badge work and an additional two place glider will need to stay on our radar. Mr. Buchanan finished his remarks by saying the need for volunteers and the delegation on chores could be improved.

President Perry Mitchell gave his report of the “state of the club” and talked about the new members to the club for 2014 which were: Stephan Davis, Tom Winter, Bob Arant, Don Meyer, Donna Neff, Tom Schaap, Daryl Hickman, Dave Nail, Tom Ostlund. Mr. Mitchell indicated this was a 20% gain over last year even after the loss of 3 members to the club which were Allen Short, Tom Winter, and Richard Endecott.

Secretary Jim Clark read the minutes from the Board of Directors meeting with the two biggest topics being the By-Laws changes and the election of new officers. Perry Mitchell called for a motion to approve the minutes, they were accepted and approved. Mr. Clark gave a brief update on the L-33 Solo and indicated that the Data Plate required for the ship was replaced and the club was waiting on the final inspection by the FAA.

President called for “Old Business” and the topic was the changing of the By-Laws. Dan Peterson, who ran the committee for By-Law changes, went over all the changes in a slide presentation to the Membership and opened the changes to be accepted Daryl Hickman made the motion to accept the changes as written and the motion was seconded by Bert Aagesen.

Based on the proper number of votes ( 17 attending + 6 proxy = 23), received and in proxy form, which represented 2/3 of the Members of OSCI in “good standing” per the By-Laws in Article XIV section 1 ( supplemental update dated December 2 , 2014) the By-Law changes were passed unanimously.
President Perry Mitchell called for “New Business” next and the topic being considered was the Election of New Officers for 2015. Mr. Mitchell opened the nomination process by asking for names of members interested in club positions. After names were given and the nomination processed closed , a vote was taken by the attending membership and a unanimous AYE vote for the new officers is as follows.

Flight Safety Officer: Whit Bonifant
Maintenance Officer: Daryl Hickman
Secretary: Mike Boska
Treasurer: Bob Craig
Vice-President: Bert Aagesen
President: Jim Clark