A lot was accomplished today.  Pat Greenwood got in three pattern tows to start the flying with Dan Peterson towing.  Tom Schaap was next up in the L-23 for two solo flights.  Next it was checkride time for Paul Jelinek who flew with Bert Aagesen.
They made three flights ending with a spot landing that was spot on.  Result, a new private glider pilot.  Mike Boska was up next in his Russia with the hint of lift indicated in the thermal index and scattered cumulus clouds.  However, cloud bases were barely 3000ft above ground and once you got away from bases lift was hard to find.  Mike had the longest flight of 30 minutes.  I was up next in my Russia after giving it a quick wash.  I had the same result  as Mike.  It was now Pat Greenwood’s turn for a check ride.  Again three flights with the end being a new private glider pilot.  Dan Peterson had to leave early so Jaime and Whitt took over towing duties.  We had everything put away be 430pm.

A couple issues before we fly next.  The tractor is leaking gas.  It needs to be hauled to a small engine shop for repair.  There were several holes that need to be filled on the runway.  They filled some this morning but more were found.

Congratulations to our newest pilots, Paul Jelinek and Pat Greenwood!