Hi All of OSCI,


With the wind from O60 but forecast to become SE (it did) we set up for a 13 operation having the possibility of some 31 landings.  Then: (all two place flights are in the L23)

1) Paul flew solo in the L23, :28, signs of lift?

2) Jerome and I worked off some of his rust, :20.  It was great to see Jerome and Sally at the field again!  Sally deferred flying today on account of uncooperative knees.

3) Anders flew his Russia – perhaps the second time – again successfully.  :19.  This was also a good thing.

4) Jay, after a briefing from Bob C. flew (I think Bob C’s Russia 904R) waving goodby to us with the tail.  :17

5) Mac took former club member Rod Davis on a 4000 AGL tow.  :28  Apparently Rod left us for Florida.  Incomprehensible.

6) New member Tom Schaap and Bob C. flew for :33 – the day is getting better.   Tom has a Private A (a while ago) and joined today after previously doing FAST flights.  Welcome Tom!

7) Jay ventured aloft again in 904R and didn’t bother to wave to us.  :31

8) Mike flew his (and Anders) Russia for 1+23.  Notice how he graciously let his partner fly first.

9) Don and I flew a dual on the hangar flight.  :37.  Of course we just came down to be polite.  Really.


