Turned out to be a good ride day as we gave 4 during the afternoon. No lift but great visibility for the new passengers. Jamie started off the day with Donna N. and good to see her back. Not for long though as she will be gone for the next 2 months. Jessie from the Blair newspaper showed up to do a story on the club and Dan took her up next for a close look at what glider flying is like. Her story will appear in the Blair newspaper in a month or so. Whit then took up a contact who heard about the club from the web site and was a high adventure junkie. Just wanted to add this to her list of accomplishments. Jamie had two friends from his church who went up next with him as a result of being the high bidder at the church fundraiser auction. Mike slipped in with the Russia followed by Tom solo in the L-23. Bob Dyer went up with Whit as front seat ballast and Mack flew the hanger flight. 9 flights in all. Towing was shared by Whit, Dan and Steve.
