The board members convened at Skywerx Aviations meeting room at Blair Municipal Airport, the meeting starting promptly at 9:00 am.

President: Paul Jelinek opened the meeting with comments concerning the upcoming election of board members going forward.

Vice President: Jim Clark once again brought up the subject of his vision for increasing the club’s use of the L-33 for cross country flights.

Treasurer: Larry Morgan presented spreadsheets and statements detailing the extent of our club’s expenditures and financial situation.

Maintenance Officer: Dan Peterson has checked into our status concerning liability for flight instructors and found that we are covered. Annuals for the gliders will be due in March.

Flight Officer: Tom Schaap discussed runway issues such as cone placement and demarcation. He also brought up the need to make sure that take offs were being observed adequately.

Old Business: Nothing discussed

New Business: The upcoming Safety meeting was discussed. Structure, participation and ideas were discussed. Jim Clark suggested having more club members take part in the Safety Meeting by presenting short segments on a particular subject. He also noted that the SSA has materials available to help individuals accomplish this. The SAC Museum Indoor Airshow is coming up. All agreed that we should participate again this year. We will take a Russia glider and set up a display, hoping to attract new faces to our sport.

With nothing further to be brought up, the meeting was adjourned at 10:07 am.

Minutes respectfully submitted…

Bob Arant,

Club Secretary