Hi All of OSCI,


It was just another glorious day to be at BTA.  Well except for not much lift, for most of us.  We did ten flights, eight in the L23 and two flights by Mike and Anders in their Russia.  All flights were in the :16 – :23 range except for Mike’s 1+41 day record in his Russia and Mac getting honorable mention for the longest L23 flight, :33 on the hangar flight.

1)  Bob Dyer / passenger – launched at 12:08 (what a difference comes with a “31” operation, and as I recall, all glider landings on 13, light NNE winds all day)

2)  Al Braun / Whitt CFI, Intro flight. Al is an airport neighbor.

3)  Anders Backlund in Russia

4)  Tom Schaaf / Whitt CFI

5)  Andrew Helling / Jaime CFI, FAST 1,  Andrew is a 23 yr. old Private A with Instrument.  He saw Bert’s name and said Bert administered his practical tests.

6)  Jerome Schmidt / solo

7)  Mike Boska / Russia, 14:19 – 16:00 “came back when he saw the tent come down”

8)  Sally Daly / Jaime CFI,  Sally’s first flight this season

Frank Mitchell towed up to here.  Thanks Frank!

9)  Kyle Dyktin (sp?) / Bob Dyer, Intro flight, Kyle (12) came out with his dad and used his lawn mowing earnings for his flight.  I hope we see him again in a year or two

10) Mac McKain / solo, hangar flight down at 16:03

Whitt towed the last two and did the Pawnee refueling.  Thanks Whitt!

Also thanks again to all for the ground crew help.


