Hi, all:
Today we flew four CAP Cadet Orientation flights and twenty-four club flights. It was sunny all day, but quite chilly when we started flight operations at 10:00AM. It eventually warmed up into the low 60’s, but there was a crosswind blowing at about 14 knots, so if you weren’t in the sun, it remained a bit chilly all day. There was lift to about 5,000′ east of the airport, so we had more than just milk run flights today.
Here’s a summary of today’s flight operations:
– Matt R. flew his 100th flight as PIC, which earns him the right to fly CAP Cadet Orientation flights. Matt has been a good source of revenue for the Club this year. Matt has flown approximately 110 flights this season, which would account for approximately 20% of all the club flights flown some seasons. Thanks, Matt!
– Ryan K. successfully flew his first solo today (at 16 years of age!). Congratulations to Ryan! Ryan’s parents, Amy and Luke, were on-hand to watch.
– Lexy H. flew a solo flight.
– Beth C. joined the club today, and also flew a flight lesson with Steve; welcome to OSC Beth! Lexy H. was the first young lady to solo with OSC in some years. Beth, will you be the second?
– Steve took a former co-worker for a ride.
– Bob A., Dave L. and Bud S. all took the Grob up for a flight. Bud had and longest flight of the day at 46 minutes.
– Jeff F came out to partake in the tow plane discussion, but since we had time, he also flew three pattern tows from the back seat with Steve riding shotgun.
– Bob D. towed the CAP flights and four of the club flights. Frank towed the remainder.
Tom S.

Steve R congratulates Ryan K after his first solo flight.
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